Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Soul Lonliness

At the soul of who God made us -- where Psalmist David calls "the innermost being" -- God first touched dirt and fashioned in us the capacity to create and dream, to need Him and each other. He created a soul in each of us.

The soul does not survive on successes and the soul cannot be fed with productivity or achievement. The soul becomes lonely.

In a sea of voices, stories, experiences, do you find yourself alone?

The soul hungers to be fed --
-- by quiet things.  Like a walk in the morning, with the sound of wind blowing through the trees.
-- by stillness.  Like sitting quietly, somewhere out of the noise of life
-- by prayer.  As you pour out every thought and feeling, confiding as friend to friend with Jesus.
-- by choosing the small.  Like stopping to listen to a friend who is feels troubled or in need.

When Jesus finally arrived on earth to share the greatest Message anyone had ever known, Jesus choose to invest and spend His time with just 12 everyday, ordinary people. Jesus didn't spread His message in the synagogues and temples.
Jesus focused on experiencing life with everyday people who didn't have any access to large venues or power structures. Jesus chose to be present in His everyday life. Jesus was real.

When Jesus resurrected from the dead, He could have done a gazillion high profile things. Instead, Jesus went to a beach, made a fire and cooked some fish and warmed bread on hot stones to love on His weary-worn friends, discouraged with empty nets.

He loved them by experiencing life with them. "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31) -- while He himself "often withdrew to the lonely places and prayed." (Luke 5:16).

Jesus longs for this intimacy with us.

What are you letting come between you and experiencing life with God -- and others?

Let God love you. Today.

Make room to be present. As is. Take your rightful place with Him. Invited rather than driven.
In those quiet moments, something real and honest will flow out of you and me, transforming our world into a more beautiful place. Work will no longer be about striving.  We will no longer be lonely people. We will journey together by faith.

"I will heal your wandering. I will love you freely. You will be like dew to Israel, you will blossom like the lily..." Hosea 14:4

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